A new year often brings new goals, a fresh perspective and lots of new trends! From home decor, to food, to baby names and more, it seems as though everything can be trending in one way or another. The same is true for exercise and fitness. As the years pass the trends have changed (remember the Thighmaster?!) and the same will be true for 2022 and beyond.

Here’s 3 fitness trends to look out for in the coming year.

    1. Hybrid Workouts. Like many workplaces, fitness centers and training facilities have had to adapt to hybrid models. That could mean offering virtual personal training, virtual classes, or other types of digital content for athletes and exercise enthusiasts that have voiced the importance of being able to continue with their program, or take their favorite class, whether in-person or not. Hybrid models allow players to stay on pace with their teams, without missing drills or strategy sessions. As the pandemic continues to change and evolve, the convenience factor of workouts at your fingertips is unmatched. Training on dryland for a change or unable to get to your pool? Check out our StrechCordz® Dryland Resistance Training gear!
  1. Shorter Workouts. Speaking of convenience, we’re fitting in workouts wherever we can, whenever we can. That could be on a lunch break, before the kids wake up, or even in a few minutes between zoom calls. While 45-60+ minute programs will still be popular, we’ll see a rise of shorter, targeted routines in 2022. On days when you’re looking for a cardio burst, try the TurfCordz® Ankle Cordz with jumping lunges to get that heart pumping indoors, outdoors or even right next to your desk.
  2. Mind-Body Connection. It’s important to feel great physically, but also mentally. Mental health will continue to increase in focus, with more innovative ways to work on your mental well being. From meditation apps and yoga practices, to stretching, healthy eating integration and allowing your body to truly rest, the holistic approach to a healthy lifestyle will allow exercise and fitness programs to be more enjoyable and less results focused. Take it easy with the MediCordz® Stretch Strap or the StrechCordz® Stretch & Mobility Strap—  your muscles will thank you!

Fitness trends can come and go, but the NZCordz family of premium, USA-made resistance products has stood the test of time for over 35 years.

Our athletes love the performance of our products, while also finding them portable and versatile — two very important qualities for 2022. Whether you try something new with the trends, stick with a tried and true program, or compete at higher levels of performance, we’re here to support your health and wellness goals, whatever they may be.