At NZ Manufacturing, our StretchCordz® Modular Set is one of our best sellers because of the versatility it allows for both dryland and in water swim training. Read on to learn a number of workouts that will have you carrying this “exercise machine in a bag” wherever you go!

Examples Exercises With the StretchCordz® Modular Set

The set comes with three main accessories which can be used to perform a wide array of exercises. These three components are paddles, handles and leg straps. Below we’ll outline several exercises that can be completed with each of these accessories.

Resistance Cords with Paddles

Our paddles are actually our #1 best seller largely because they allow swimmers to add resistance to pulls when practicing dry land practice swim strokes. Paddles help swimmers to train themselves to keep their hands flat to help increase speed and strength. The paddles allow swimmers to mimic virtually all of their favorite strokes outside of the water.

Resistance Cords with Handles

Resistance cords with handles offer many different exercise options to provide a full body workout. Below are a few dryland exercises that are popular with our customers:

  • Squat to Press – This exercise targets the entire body. Start by standing on top of the resistance band with your feet spread apart. Use an overhand grip to hold the handles of your resistance bands and keep your arms around shoulder level. Drop down into a squat position so that your knees are over top of your feet and your thighs are roughly parallel with the floor. Keep your hands at your shoulders during this exercise. Stand up while pressing the handles over your head until your arms are completely extended. Now bring your arms back down to shoulder height and repeat.
  • Front Raise – Stand on the resistance band with your feet shoulder width apart, while holding each handle with an overhand grip. Keep your back straight and raise both handles up to near eye level. Slowly bring your arms back down and repeat.

Resistance Cords with Leg Straps

Resistance cords with leg straps offer a myriad of different exercise options both in and out of the water. Below are just a few of the exercises that we often recommend to our customers:

  • Standing Leg Abduction – While the bands are secured to a door or pole, wrap the ankle strap around your active leg. Pull your active leg out to the side until it creates a 45 degree angle with the floor. Be sure to keep your active leg completely straight during the entire exercise.
  • Resisted Stationary Swimming – Our StretchCordz® with Leg Straps can also be used in the water to provide resisted stationary swimming. This helps swimmers to increase speed and strength during practice so that they’ll be ready for competition with more explosive times.

Get a Full Body Workout With the StretchCordz® Modular Set

Whether you’re looking for a dryland or in water workout, our StretchCordz® Modular Set has you covered. Be sure to reach out to our team if you have any questions about this highly versatile product. We can be reached by phone at 800-886-6621 or through our online contact form.