For track and field athletes, marathon participants or recreational runners, spring can mean ramping up the outdoor miles. But with the increased mileage, comes an increased risk of injury. It’s estimated that over 50% of runners get injured each year with shin splints, stress fractures and runner’s knee being the most common injuries. Fortunately there are ways to prevent injury with a focus on well-rounded training.

Many runners focus on the activity itself — running — and the distance or the pace. The leg muscles need to endure high contraction intensity, while your bones need to withstand the pulling from the muscles and tendons. Resistance training can support both of those needs, by working to build and maintain bone strength and density, while also strengthening the legs with a variety of exercises. The Turfcordz® Ankle Cordz can be used to perform leg curls, improve range of motion and flexion in the hips, and can be interchanged between two different resistance levels as your strength training progresses.

For runners or track and field athletes who are short on time, skipping a warm up or cool down may seem like an easy component to cut, however it is a critical in preventing your body from enduring extra, and many times unnecessary, stress. It is recommended that runners avoid coming to a sudden or complete stop in a cool down, and instead ease out of their pace gradually until they find a brisk walk. Once the heart rate has lowered and returned to normal, static stretching can help to keep muscles and joints healthy, and prevent soreness or stiff joints. The Medicordz® Stretch Strap is a versatile tool to help you stretch your quads, hamstrings, hips and calves. Try incorporating a yoga stretch sequence or foam roller to further your recovery.

Even with the most well-rounded training and experience, injuries can still happen. Runner’s Knee includes symptoms of knee pain around the knee cap, a rubbing or clicking sound when the leg is bent and straightened, and a tender to the touch and/or swollen knee cap. Elevating the leg, utilizing cold ice packs and using a supportive knee wrap can help to alleviate symptoms, as can stretching exercises. The Medicordz® Tubing Rehab Kit can aid with the lower body stretching exercises while also working to improve stability and balance on the injured leg.

It is important for high-school runners, sprinters, marathoners and neighborhood runners to take proper care of their bodies. By incorporating resistance training to help build strong muscles and bones, injuries can be prevented or avoided. NZ Manufacturing has the tools you need for every phase of your training. Learn more about our USA-made, professional quality resistance training tools on our website.