drjaeger_170x187Ive been a chiropractor for 13 years, and I’ve used MediCordz for nine of those years. When I found MediCordz, I noted that they had a very usable approach for the exercises our patients performed, so I decided to incorporate them into our office protocols. I believe our patients find MediCordz easy to use, and better yet, they enjoy the results.

During a two-year residency with a group that specialized in correcting spinal curvatures, I saw how resistance bands could be used to do just that. We were restoring the spine’s curve for many of our patients by combining asymmetrically applied or mirror image chiropractic exercises and spine traction.

A light resistance had to be applied to the small intrinsic muscles of the spine to strengthen them, while the traction corrected misalignments more effectively than a quick adjustment. With this approach, we typically saw a 20 to 50 percent restoration towards normal structure in 80 percent of our patients.

Simply stated, MediCordz are very effective. They do exactly what science says is necessary; they provide an even, symmetrical load on the small muscles of the spine.

In 2004, I co-developed a machine called UTS (Universal Tractioning Systems). It took the tractioning capabilities of six machines and combined them into one. It also included an exercise component, and I approached NZ Manufacturing, the makers of MediCordz, because I wanted their products to be the resistance bands for that part of the machine.

In addition to the bands in UTS, I use the MediCordz Wall Mount Kit and Head Harness. They are an easy, convenient way to provide essential rehabilitation to patients. They’re cost effective and take up minimal space. These last two points are important for patients, who purchase their own kits to use at home.”

Editor’s Note: Dr. Jason Jaeger is the director of a three-chiropractor group at Aliante Chiropractic & Integrated Health in Las Vegas, NV. He has a fellowship and is an Instructor for Chiropractic Biophysics. He served as the Nevada State Representative to the International Chiropractic Association (ICA) in 2008-2009, and he is currently the Alternate Delegate as well as Secretary of the FACTS Reseach & Guidelines Committee for ICA.