If you’re typing at a computer, driving a car, throwing a ball or gripping a baseball bat, your wrists and forearms deserve special attention to prevent wrist injuries.

It’s estimated that 25% of all sports-related injuries involve the hand or wrist, with injuries affecting both young athletes and experienced professionals. Not limited to one sport, these injuries occur in almost all arenas. Swinging a golf club, throwing a ball, and spiking or setting a volleyball all require strong wrists. Wrestling, rock climbing and water skiing are good examples of sports that require a strong grip, which is tied into your wrist and forearm strength. While you may think that working your biceps and triceps is a way to also work your wrists and forearms, you could be sorely mistaken. In addition to sports-related injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome can cause discomfort in your wrists and forearms while also decreasing hand strength and ability. Whether you’re rehabilitating from an injury, working to improve performance or hoping to prevent future complications, here’s our recommendations for building strength and maintaining flexibility in your wrists.


An easy way to warm up your wrists and break repetitive movements is through wrist circles. Hold your arms out in front of you at shoulder level and roll your wrists both to the right, up, left, and down. Be sure to go in both clockwise and counterclockwise motions, and repeat 6-8 times.

Flexion & Extension

Wrist flexion and extension is a normal part of your range of motion, and an important part in injury prevention. Overuse is a common cause of flexion injury, and performing resistance-based drills can help to strengthen the muscles.

Using the TurfCordz® with Handles, sit with both feet planted and weight evenly distributed. Taking the handle in one hand, rest your forearm on your thigh, with your palm facing up. Begin by dropping your fist towards the floor, then up towards the ceiling, and repeat 10 times. Be sure to pause at the top and bottom of this movement to allow the resistance to build strength in your muscles.

Grip & Strength

Pulling and lifting is a great way to work your grip, while also building strength. Baseball and softball players that are constantly throwing a ball need strong hand and forearm muscles to accurately and effectively throw. It is important to work the entire arm for strength, not only the major muscles that you commonly think of. The StretchCordz® Modular Set can be used in-water or on dry land for several exercises including pulls, rows, deadlifts, and curls. When performing these moves, be sure to squeeze the resistance handles to activate not only your forearms but also the muscles in your hands.

Reach us by phone at 800-886-6621, or through our online contact form if you’re interested in learning more about any of our resistance cord products.