While it may be tempting to indulge in a box of chocolates, splurge on a candlelight dinner or skip the gym in favor of a romantic movie, don’t let Valentine’s Day hinder your plans of getting physically fit this year. Instead, try working out as a couple. A partner workout is a great opportunity to spend time with your loved one and take care of yourself at the same time.

In fact, research shows that people work out harder and longer when they’re in a group or with a partner. And that’s just one of the many benefits of exercising as a couple.

  • Quality Time
    Enjoying a workout with your better half allows you to spend quality time together – an invaluable opportunity considering today’s busy lifestyles. It’s a dedicated time period to bond and just catch up with one another. Plus, when you don’t feel like exercising, the prospect of spending time with a special person in your life may be all the motivation you need!


  • Positive Distraction
    Exercise can sometimes become monotonous. However, when you have an exercise partner, you can better keep each other entertained. You have someone to take your mind off the discomforts of exercising and bring laughter into your fitness routine. In other words, working out together can help the time fly by!


  • Added Safety
    Your partner also can help reduce your chances of injury during exercise. By paying attention and providing assistance, you can stop each other from being careless or pushing too hard. A partner also provides a second set of eyes to help spot hazards and/or faulty equipment in a workout area.


  • Ongoing Encouragement
    By exercising together, you see how hard each other’s working and how much progress you’re both making. Your partner is better able to give verbal encouragement during and between workout sessions, as well as help celebrate successes along the way. You can even set up reward schemes, such as receiving something from your partner as you reach certain goals.


  • Enhanced Workout
    In addition to moral support, a good exercise partner provides valuable technical support. He or she can set the tone for a positive workout experience and help increase its intensity when necessary. What’s more, a little competition may be the extra edge you need to push yourself a little harder or further.


  • Increased Commitment & Accountability
    Having a partner to work out with also will help you stick to a routine. You’re less likely to cancel a session if you know that you’re going to let someone else down. Plus, your partner can help you find the time to exercise – whether that means getting up a little earlier, meeting for a workout during lunch, or coordinating babysitting, meals, or other responsibilities for your family.

So what are you waiting for? The ideal equipment? Resistance bands provide you and your partner an excellent alternative to working with free weights or machines. By doing assisted stretches together, your bodies will become stronger and more flexible. NZ Manufacturing offers a variety of StrechCordz®, MediCordz® and TurfCordz® products that require two people.

Check out our StrechCordz Grudge Belt for a two-person swimming tug of war to improve strength, form and speed in the water. Or our TurfCordz Quick React that’s used between two people for agility, explosive start and quick reaction drills. Or even the TurfCordz Resist Assist, which provides resistance training in multiple directions for two athletes. These resistance tools – and many others from NZ Manufacturing – can help you and your loved one make a healthy love connection!