Reaction time is defined as the ability to respond quickly to a stimulus.

In the case of athletes, reaction time could be the difference between a first place finish or missing the podium entirely. There are two types of reaction times, simple and choice. Simple reaction time (SRT) is just that, and depends on how quickly your nerves and brain communicate. This is something you are born with, and unfortunately it cannot be improved. Choice reaction time (CRT) is different in that it can be improved through speed, practice and agility drills. Choice reaction time is the time between the stimulus and an action, and the type that we’ll focus on. It is more important (than SRT) when a team or other players are involved, and when athletes have to continuously make choices based on others around them.

Most sports incorporate some aspect of a reaction time, whether it’s coming off of a starting block, swinging a racket, or moving to make a tackle. Top End Sports ranks Softball, Fencing and Boxing as the top 3 top-ranked-reaction-time sports, with Basketball, Hockey, and Motorsports also making the list.

Several factors affect reaction time, including age, level of physical fitness, and even your level of hydration. Drinking alcohol can have a significant effect on lengthening your reaction time, as can fatigue.

Choice reaction time can be improved through agility drills and speed work. Here’s our tips for reaction time training:

  • Keep your muscles guessing. If you normally run on a flat surface (treadmill, pavement, etc.) try running on different terrain like grass or other uneven surfaces. The instability of the ground will force your muscles to react and compensate for the uneven surface.
  • Drill on signals. Have a friend or teammate run signals with your drills. Make sure these drills are random, and track the time between signal and reaction. Incorporate drills that start and stop, frequently change direction, or drills that encompass multi-faceted movements. The TurfCordz® Quick React is the perfect tool for leveling-up your drills by incorporating resistance and performing mirroring exercises.
  • Try plyometric training. If you’ve ever seen a sprinter or swimmer come off their block, the explosive maximum force start is crucial to overall performance. Most of this power comes from the legs, and squats and jumps can help to improve this aspect of reaction time. Jump higher with the TurfCordz® Jump Belt, and feel the difference in jumping with resistance and without!

Shop our full line of TurfCordz® strength and agility products to speed up your reaction time. These products are made of high-quality materials, and manufactured right in the USA!

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