shoulder-painShoulder pain can severely limit your arm mobility and can affect all sorts of daily activities. Many causes of shoulder pain include rotator cuff issues, shoulder dislocation and possibly arthritis. While shoulder surgery may not be the answer for all instances of shoulder pain, it can be a lifesaver for many dealing with chronic pain. After shoulder surgery it is important for individuals to properly rehabilitate their shoulder(s) with ample physical therapy. One of the most common physical therapy techniques to help with shoulder surgery recovery involves resistance band exercises. In this article we’ll outline several of these exercises to help you prepare for life after shoulder surgery.

External Rotation of The Shoulder

Start by tying a resistance band to an object that is stable such as a doorknob. Stand perpendicular to the door with feet shoulder width apart. Hold the resistance band with the hand of the shoulder that you are looking to rehab which should be farthest away from the door. Start the exercise with your elbow close to your body and your hand over your navel. Slowly rotate your shoulder outwards and hold the position for several seconds after which you will return to your starting position. Repeat this exercise for at least 10-15 repetitions.

Internal Rotation of the Shoulder

While you still have the resistance band attached to a doorknob, turn a full 180 degrees and hold the band in the arm of the shoulder that you are planning to exercise which should be closest to the door. You should still be perpendicular to the door for this exercise. You may need to take a few steps away from the door for this exercise. As with the previous exercise keep your elbow tucked in close to your body. In this exercise you will start with your hand out near the doorknob. Slowly pull your arm in towards your midsection and make sure to keep your elbow bent and tucked to your side at all times. Repeat this exercise for 10-15 repetitions.

Shoulder Extension Resistance

Make sure that your band is still connected to a doorknob. Stand so that you are facing the door with the band in your hand of the shoulder needing rehab. While standing straight, pull the resistance band backwards while making sure to keep your arm straight. Your hand should eventually move just past your hip. Hold this position for several seconds and ensure that you do not allow the band to snap back to its starting position. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times.

Shoulder Abduction

With the resistance band attached to the doorknob, stand perpendicular to the door and hold the band with the hand of the affected shoulder. You want to make sure you are standing in such a way that the hand that is farthest away from the door is the hand of your affected shoulder. Keep your elbow straight at all times and slowly lift your arm out to your side. You should try to lift your arm until it is almost parallel to the floor. Always ensure that your arm stays in line with your body during this exercise. Hold this exercise for several seconds and repeat it 10-15 times.

PNF: Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation

Start with one arm down out from the side of your body about 45 degrees with your hand rotated inward and your thumb pointing toward your body. The movement is in a upward diagonal direction that goes across your body and ends with your elbow slightly bent and the hands ending up with your palms facing toward body. Now bring your arms back down the way they came up. Repeat this pattern until you feel muscle fatigue or approximately two minutes. You can add an ankle weight or use a resistance band anchored to your foot for increased resistance.

Resistance Band Exercises With Bands From NZ Manufacturing At NZ Manufacturing we have a line of resistance bands called MediCordz, which are used by physical therapists and patients recovering from all sorts of surgery. For more information on any of our resistance band products give us a call today at (800) 886-6621 or contact us online.