NZ Manufacturing, Inc., a leader in high-quality resistance training and physical rehabilitation tools, promotes three key ways to not only survive, but thrive during this year’s busy holiday season.

  • Maintain Current Weight: Because most of us tend to eat more during the holidays, focus on just trying to keep your current weight. Before going to a holiday party, munch on a healthy snack. Once there, stick with small plates and avoid cream-based sauces. If dessert is a must, limit yourself to a small cookie or thin slice of cake. Finally, restrict your alcohol to one or two servings of light beer or wine rather than heavy eggnog. And always do your best to continue your regular workout schedule. This will allow you to enjoy yourself without having to pay for it later. Decrease Stress: With so much to do, plus long shopping lines and heavy traffic, stress and anxiety levels can hit an all-time high.
  • Take out your frustrations during a good workout. Use that pent-up energy to concentrate on your body’s movements. Like meditation in motion, it may help you forget the day’s irritations, as well as even increase your self-confidence.
  • Increase Energy Levels. Exercise not only keeps your stress levels in check, it also increases your energy level altogether. Physical activity improves your sleep and helps bump up the production of your brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters, called endorphins. So you have a better attitude and more energy to accomplish everything from holiday shopping and wrapping to attending pageants and parties.

By acknowledging that holidays affect your lifestyle to some extent, you can make adjustments that will help you stay happy and healthy during the holidays and all year through. NZ Manufacturing’s MediCordz® Bungie Upper Body Kit can help. Used for upper body toning, it features two dedicated 4-ft (1.2-m) Bungie Cordz, two handles and a combination mounting strap. Completely portable and easy to use, Upper Body Kit is available in silver, yellow, green, red, blue, black and white resistance levels. NZ Manufacturing is based in Tallmadge, Ohio. For more information on the company, the Bungie Upper Body Kit product, or any of the MediCordz, StrechCordz® or TurfCordz™ product lines, please call 1-800-886-6621 or email