For those of you who started off the New Year with high expectations of setting some fitness goals, getting into fitness routine and then have fallen short of those goals, I just want to say it is never too late!

One of the easiest ways to begin is by just moving and putting one step in front of the other. Sounds a bit corny doesn’t it? Walking and/or jogging are one of the most accessible forms of exercise as you can accomplish a 20 minute workout virtually anywhere.

Regular aerobic activity helps improve cardiovascular health, helps in aiding weight loss, reduces stress, and boosts your energy level.  All of this is positive. This will give you your own personal satisfaction.  You are doing this for you! Remember that before beginning an aerobic training program, check with your physician.

So, are you ready to start?  You may just want to run or you may want the challenge and excitement of signing up for a race – maybe a 5k – which is 3.1 miles. The shared fear with all runners, beginners to seasoned are concerns about being last.  You will soon realize all runners come in different shapes, ages, and sizes. With this in mind, runners also have different speeds. If you never ran before start walking and add running in between. Gradually you will be running more than walking.  You can get running advice and support at numerous outlets: local fitness facilities, running groups, running specialty stores, and online.

I started running when I was 38.  I was asked by a friend to run a local 4 miler.  So, training began – 15 years later and all kinds of races I’m still running and enjoying it. If you have read my posts in the past, you will know that I am advocate of cross training. Make sure you mix-up your fitness routine so that you do not get bored doing the same thing as well as minimizing joint and muscle injury. Cross training alternatives may include: swimming, yoga, weight training and/or biking to name a few.

So, it’s time to refocus on your New Year’s resolution and set a goal – but be realistic.  Sign up for a local 5K.  Fill out that race form and now you have motivation.  Train properly and always have fun!  Get to the starting line with a smile on your face! The race starts – you do what you trained for – you run.  When you cross that finish line, and people are cheering you on – you will have the biggest smile – because you did it!

In good health,

Julie O’Connell