Runners and Injury

For track and field athletes, marathon participants or recreational runners, spring can mean ramping up [...]

Sports Related Injuries

Sports-related injuries are a risk for all athletes at all levels. As spring training programs [...]

Tech Neck

Tech neck, sometimes called text neck, is a new term for an old issue — [...]

Fitness Trends

A new year often brings new goals, a fresh perspective and lots of new trends! [...]

Resistance Training

Resistance training is a part of many athlete’s routines, with benefits of building strength, maintaining [...]

  • Choice Reaction Time (CRT)

Choice Reaction Time

Reaction time is defined as the ability to respond quickly to a stimulus. In the [...]

Autumn Reflections

Autumn, by definition, is the third season of the year when crops and fruits are [...]

Yoga: Check It Out

"Breathe In through your nose, and out through your mouth." Check. "Focus on your breathing, [...]

Why I workout

"I don't work out because I hate my body, I work out because I love [...]

What About Posture?

- Tell it to me Straight! ....Wait, I mean Curved!   Good posture is important [...]

A Championship Season

A championship season for swimming is a way for all the student-athletes to see whether [...]

Kick Trainer

I had seen the kick trainer on the NZ website for several years and had [...]

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